Background and Qualifications

Who I serve: My personal goal is to help people from 17 to 70+ learn how to have the best life possible.

Why I care: I have had a number of generous elders and mentors show me the way and help me through tough times. It has made all the difference to me. My goal is to help others in the same way.

Education and Training

  • Bachelor of Arts, University of California, San Diego
  • Master of Science, Utah State University
  • Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation (2020)
  • Professional Standing, ADHD Coach, ADHD Coaches Organization (2022)
  • Certified Youth Mentor Coach, Youth Coaching Institute (2019)
  • Certified Youth Leadership Coach, Youth Coaching Institute (2019)

Concurrent Professional Activity

Continuing Education (CE Credits)

  • Simply ADHD, ADD Coach Academy (2022)
  • Personal Transformation Course, ADD Coach Academy (2022)

Biography: I grew up in a suboptimal household and at age 19 had no goals and no sense of direction. A friend of my mother's, a psychotherapist, became my mentor, and from him, I learned to set goals and work to attain them. As a result, I earned a master's degree from Utah State University when I was 26, had a successful career, and retired early.

During my career, I enjoyed much success, but more work was needed to become a whole human being. Accomplishments were great for building self-esteem, but not so great for nurturing close personal relationships. With the help of life coaching, I have opened up new dimensions in my life, and my path forward is clear: I am committed to being loving and present in my family life and helping others, just as I was helped by my mentor in my youth. The "helping" method I have chosen is life coaching; it is practical, effective, and has an immediacy I have not found in other helping modalities.

Much of my strength as a coach is helping my clients organize their thoughts and feelings to help streamline their lives. I have a wealth of experience in this area, including decades of experience as a systems analyst in both the academic and corporate arenas.

If you would like help exploring where you are, where you would like to go, and how to get there, please use the contact link on this page to send an email. I have the experience, training, and a deep understanding of how you can leverage your past experiences into a bright future.